Faith-Driven Voters

I am a pro-life Catholic

The 2024 election calls for the engagement of voters driven by faith to an extent never before seen in our history! I am Catholic, and my beliefs align with both pro-life and pro-choice principles. My pro-life perspective is comprehensive and includes the following: I advocate for justice and oppose the death penalty; I am anti-war and strive to emulate the nonviolent teachings of Jesus, understanding that peace will only be achieved when we recognize that in every war, we are killing our brothers and sisters; I contest the current interpretation of the Second Amendment and detest the nation’s infatuation with arms; I concur with scientists and Pope Francis on the urgent climate crisis caused by human activity on our planet; I believe diversity enriches our lives, and we should embrace immigrants.

I am a pro-choice Catholic

My stance on being pro-choice is rooted in the belief in free will, a gift from the Creator who permits us to make even erroneous decisions. The reversal of Roe v. Wade has brought not just pain and confusion but also disruption to the common good. Saints Augustine and Thomas Aquinas provide crucial Catholic teachings that guide us in making decisions on the critical issue of pro-life/pro-choice voting. These saints make a distinction between actions that are immoral and those that should be illegal. Aquinas argued that laws widely disobeyed are detrimental to society. For instance, prohibition resulted in a general disdain for laws, undermining public order. Thus, while Catholics may view abortion as generally immoral, they also deem it a matter of prudential judgment to keep abortion legal. Recognizing that outlawing abortion could harm the common good, such as in cases where it is a dire and sorrowful healthcare decision necessary to save a woman’s life. Moreover, widespread lawbreaking could lead to disregard for other laws. We must seek better ways to affirm life and honor the conscience of others.

Multi-issue Voters and Democracy

Catholics, Christians, and believers of all denominations should consider multiple issues when voting. The immediate and significant risks facing our nation now require that voters who typically focus on a single issue recognize the potential threats to our democracy. The longstanding trend of single-issue voting, often encouraged by many US bishops, has played a part in leading us to the current turmoil and corruption evident in this election cycle.

Faith-filled voters are invited to check out this list of equally sacred priorities at:





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