Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

Is it true? Does everything happen for a reason? That phrase “Everything happens for a reason.” is usually said to a person who has experienced a negative unexpected event. The intention of the person saying it is often, if not always, to offer hope and encouragement. Also inferred is the idea that this is part of God’s plan.

Let’s explore some specific events. Would saying that everything happens for a reason, comfort an abuse victim? Would that thought bring hope to a person wrongly accused of a crime and sent to prison or even death row? Does that phrase lessen the pain for a parent who loses a child ? Or is it possible that God says, “That was not my plan.”? Does God come up with a plan B when Plan A is frustrated by injustice, ignorance, or an accident?

Answers are never easy when we try to explain God’s involvement. The Santa-God image would suggest that God has a reward to cancel out the injustice. However, we might have to be satisfied that things will be made “right ” in eternity. But I like to think that God is more actively involved here and now. The life of Jesus shows us that the pattern is always death followed by resurrection. It’s what Jesus came to teach us.

“Not My Plan,” says God

Therefore, when we are faced with a “death,” adult faith does not accept the death event as part of God’s plan. God will act to resurrect us but the injustice endured or the cruelty that crushed our spirit ought never to be labeled as God’s plan. Neither should any tragedy or crisis be spoken of as permitted by God, or as God’s will for us. God neither sends nor allows evil to happen for a God-purpose.

Using limited human language we can imagine God saying, “That was not my plan, but I will never leave you. I will stay with you until we develop a successful response. Years later after arriving at a different place in your journey you might look back and say that there was a reason for whatever it was that propelled you to your present situation. The underlying truth is that God accompanied you through whatever decisions led to your success.

Hw does adult faith answer the question, “Does everything happen for a reason? The response from adult believers is that everything happens within God’s embrace. God never leaves us alone in the death phase and walks us into resurrection. Our life after death is always changed.

One thought on “Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

  • Thank you for sharing your faith, Sr. Chris, and how you address the above on the strength of that faith.

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