Breath of God

Experiencing difficulty in breathing is one of the warning signs of Covid-19. Experiencing shortness of breath, gasping to take in air can lead to a panic reaction.

Take a breath or merely the word, breathe, are suggestions we have heard or even said to ourselves during stressful  moments. In Hebrew the Spirit of God is named ruah, which means breath. Therefore the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, gives us life. During this time of crisis, during any crisis, we may find ourselves feeling panic. This is the time to gasp for the breath of God. The Holy Spirit who resides within is always available to sustain us.

The Breath of God in Scripture

First, a note of interest about the word, ruah. In Hebrew this word for spirit is a feminine noun. Therefore in the Genesis story we see our mother God breathing life into the first human. And can we also imagine that this breathing into life was accompanied by a kiss from our Beloved Creator? This is our story as told in Jeremiah1:5 “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.”

In John 20:20-23 Jesus tells his disciples that he is sending them as his Father had sent him And then he breathed on them and said “Receive the holy spirit.” As today’s disciples we go forth alive in this same spirit.

In John 14:16-18, Jesus assures his disciples he will not leave them orphaned. Do not let your hearts be troubled. I will ask the Father to send you an advocate to be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth.

A phrase we hear often these days is “We’re in this together. When we find ourselves having difficulty in breathing, may we remember that the Breath of God within us whispers “We’re in this together.”

3 thoughts on “Breath of God

  • Thank you for the inspirational messages. so much I take for granted in these troubled days. thanks for reminding me meaning of breath and breathing. This is my first time reading your blog. Thank you It will not be my last. Marty McGarry

  • If God breathes on me with His breath and renews my life, perhaps I can then try to love the way He loves—and also try to do as He does.

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