Online Retreat: Aging into Divine Relationship

Join us on September 12-13 for an online retreat to continue your journey into a deeper relationship with your God. Retreat topics: Unawareness and the unconditional love of God Desolation and how we pray; what kind of answers do we expect from God Reluctance and change; the impact of language on changing our image of […]

Equally Sacred Priorities for Voters

In its almost fifty year history Network (Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice) has never told its members who to vote for or against. Network has always encouraged its members to get involved in politics, spoken about the issues and compared candidates, and equipped its members with resources to choose elected officials who support the […]

The Ten Commandments – Revived

Two similar versions of the Ten Commandments are found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. And in Exodus 34 a different version is offered as a renewed covenant. In addition, most people are probably unaware that the Ten Commandments recited by Catholics differs from the Protestant list. Two  examples: keeping holy the Sabbath is number […]

Shattered or Broken or Torn to Pieces

All these words can describe various times in our lives. We can be shattered, or broken, or torn to pieces by choices we make or by the decisions of others. Sometimes our choices may bring regrets years later and maybe it’s too late to change. How do we deal with the guilt or the sadness? […]

Breath of God

Experiencing difficulty in breathing is one of the warning signs of Covid-19. Experiencing shortness of breath, gasping to take in air can lead to a panic reaction. Take a breath or merely the word, breathe, are suggestions we have heard or even said to ourselves during stressful  moments. In Hebrew the Spirit of God is […]