Breath of God

Experiencing difficulty in breathing is one of the warning signs of Covid-19. Experiencing shortness of breath, gasping to take in air can lead to a panic reaction. Take a breath or merely the word, breathe, are suggestions we have heard or even said to ourselves during stressful  moments. In Hebrew the Spirit of God is […]

Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

Is it true? Does everything happen for a reason? That phrase “Everything happens for a reason.” is usually said to a person who has experienced a negative unexpected event. The intention of the person saying it is often, if not always, to offer hope and encouragement. Also inferred is the idea that this is part […]

The Role of Religion and the Black Death

Life with its precious moments and unspeakable tragedies sometimes overwhelms us in our quest for happiness. Life seems to ask an incessant question about why are we here. But life seems to insist there is an even more poignant question, Why are we? Why do we exist? Is there a reason for my be-ing? Most […]